# mmkr _It's just my handle but shorter_ > This project was created thanks to the help of [create-expression-lib](https://github.com/motiondeveloper/create-expression-lib)! ## Overview This expressions library is mostly a collection of tools I find personally useful. Some pertain to general tasks and others more specific, i.e. YTPMV/音MAD. ## Usage 1. Download the latest version of `mmkr.jsx` from the releases page. 2. Import `mmkr.jsx` into your After Effects project. 3. Reference the library in your expressions like so: ```js const MMKR = footage('mmkr.jsx').sourceData.get_functions(); ``` Functions will now be usable from the `MMKR` object: ```js const MMKR = footage('mmkr.jsx').sourceData.get_functions(); MMKR.inertial_bounce(5, 2, 4); // Apply a bounce to the current property ``` You can also destructure the returned object: ```js const { inertial_bounce } = footage('mmkr.js').sourceData.get_functions(); inertial_bounce(5, 2, 4); ``` ## Development ```sh git clone repoUrl.git cd mmkr # Automatically refresh .jsx output file npm run watch # Once off build npm run build # Distribute release npm run release ```