# mmkr > This project was create with [create-expression-lib](https://github.com/motiondeveloper/create-expression-lib) ## Use the library 1. Download the latest version from the releases page. 2. Import into After Effects and reference in your expressions Learn more about writing `.jsx` files for After Effects here: https://motiondeveloper.com/blog/write-expressions-external-files/ ## Development 1. **Clone project locally** ```sh git clone repoUrl.git cd mmkr ``` 2. **Start Rollup** Start Rollup in watch mode to automatically refresh your code as you make changes, by running: ```sh npm run watch ``` _You can run also run a once off build:_ `npm run build` 3. **Edit the `src` files** _The `index.ts` contains an example expression setup._ Any values exported from this file will be included in your library, for example: ```js export { someValue }; ``` 4. **Import the `dist` file into After Effects** Use the compiled output file as you would any other `.jsx` library. Any changes to the `src` files will be live updated, and After Effects will update the result of your expression. 5. **Distribute releases** To distribute your output file using Github releases (via [Hub](https://github.com/github/hub)), use the command: ```sh npm run release ``` This will use the GitHub CLI to create a new tag and release The release version number is the `"version"` in `package.json`, and it will attach the `"main"` file to the release. > You can add this version to the output file by placing the string `_npmVersion` in your code, which will be replaced with the version number in `package.json` at build time. ## After Effects API > This template uses the [`expression-globals-typescript`](https://github.com/motiondeveloper/expression-globals-typescript) package to provide types for the expressions API. ### Classes To create layers, compositions and properties, you can use the classes exported from the library. For example: ```ts import { Comp, Layer } from 'expression-globals-typescript'; const thisComp = new Comp(); const thisLayer = new Layer(); ``` To create properties (such as position or scale), you can use the `Property` class. ```ts import { Property, Vector } from 'expression-globals-typescript'; const thisProperty = new Property([0, 100]); ``` > The `Property` constructor takes a value to set as the property value, and a type (`<>`) to set as the type for the property. ### After Effects Types You can import After Effect's specific types such as `Color` and `Vector` from the package to properly type your expressions. #### _To see all the Types and Base Objects available, see the [`expression-globals-typescript`](https://github.com/motiondeveloper/expression-globals-typescript) source code._ ## Testing You can test your expression library code using [Jest](https://jestjs.io/), which comes pre-configured in this template repo. You write tests in the `index.test.ts` file, importing the code you want to test from `index.ts`, for example: ```ts import { welcome } from './index'; test('returns correct welcome string', () => { expect(welcome('test')).toEqual('Welcome test!'); }); ``` And then run the test suite: ```sh npm run test ``` Which will run Jest in watch mode. > You can learn more about testing using Jest from the [Jest docs](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/getting-started). ## Configuration There a couple of files you may wish to change to reflect the content of your project: - `package.json`: - `version`: The current version of the library, which is used for releases and added to `dist` files. - `main`: The build output file which will be attached to releases - `rollup.config.js`: - `input`: The source file to be built - `typescript()`: Custom typescript compiler options ## How - [expression-globals-typescript](https://github.com/motiondeveloper/expression-globals-typescript) mocks the After Effects expressions API in typescript, so you can use global functions and objects such as `linear()` and `time`, while also providing expression specific types such as `Layer`. - [Rollup](https://rollupjs.org/) is a lightweight module bundler that handles outputting the `.jsx` file via the plugins below. - The Rollup [Typescript plugin](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@rollup/plugin-typescript) runs the TypeScript compiler - The Rollup plugin [rollup-plugin-ae-jsx](https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-ae-jsx) transforms the JavaScript output into After Effects JSON (`.jsx`) compliant syntax - Testing via [Jest](https://jestjs.io/), and [ts-jest](https://github.com/kulshekhar/ts-jest)